On Friday, May 1st, the National Mediation Board (NMB) issued their ruling on the Union’s filing to accrete the Source of Support (SOS) group. The Union made the initial filing with the NMB after a majority of the SOS employees signed authorization cards seeking union representation. The NMB found that those employees who signed the authorization cards were the majority of the work group and has ruled that the work group be accreted to the current Customer Service and Customer Sales and Support Agent’s agreement.
One misconception is that everyone now will have to pay union dues. No one from the SOS group will be required to pay union dues until a contract is negotiated, voted on by all the SOS workers and approved. Only after you have a ratified contract will we ask you to complete a membership application.
The next step will be for the union to have discussions with the company on establishing a grievance procedure and to establish Shop Stewards in the work area. These Shop Stewards will be the point of contact between the employees and the union. In the near future you will also see a Union Bulletin Board in your break room which will be updated with the latest union information. We will then set up a system for you to submit contract proposals after which we will put surveys out to clarify what we receive in the way of proposals. You can expect to see a District union rep in the area in the coming weeks. Take the time to ask questions. We would ask that each worker provide an email address so we can add you to our email update list. This will allow you to stay up to date with what is happening with negotiations and with other issues within the company.
In closing I would like to remind you that everything stays status quo with you work rules and you will not pay a dime in dues until you are covered by a collective bargaining agreement. Again, Welcome to the IAM!
David Supplee