Dear Brothers and Sisters:
As your Union representatives are working diligently to assist you with understanding the vital information contained within the IAMAW/Southwest Airlines TA, we wanted to share some questions from the voices of the membership. The questions below may be info you, too, may have wanted to ask.
1Q. Are there any protections for part-time status beyond the 120 bid limits?
A. All MOT assignments outside the bid shift will count towards the 32-hour cap including part-shift time extensions.
2Q. Is the ‘Me Too’ agreement part of this Agreement?
A. Yes, there is a ‘Me Too’ clause for Insurance benefits (refer to Article 24 paragraph A) and 401k improvements (Article 25 paragraph B #1).
3Q. Why is it being called a 6.5% pay increase, and not reflected in the most recent updated pay step as of March 1, 2022?
A. The company unilaterally raised steps 0 through 4 of the pay scale. These raises were between 10% – 15%. These raises were received prior to the Tentative Agreement and were not contractual. Once ratified they will be solidified and cannot be taken away.
4Q. Will there be any updates to our IOA’s for CS&S or does it remain the same with the new contract?
A. Attendance Policies are not within the Collective Bargaining Agreement. However, once ratified, enhancements are expected to be made similar to the CSA Attendance Control Policy.
5Q. Will the TA address the 1st day off mandatory problem?
A. It does protect one day off. Refer to Article 7 paragraph P-1a.
6Q. Will the TA address back pay?
A. No back pay. But there is an efficiency bonus of a minimum of $1,000 with a maximum of $3,000. Refer to Article 27 paragraph R.
7Q. What is the top out pay of this pay scale?
A. The top out pay for CSAs will be 36.01 in three years, which is one year prior to the amendable date. For CS&S, the top out rate will be $35.52; and, for SOS, $38.81 by the end of the agreement for top of scale (TOS).
8Q. Will this TA address mandatory overtime with clear and concise hours continuous with shift, shift trade pickups, and next day scheduled shifts?
A. Yes, the maximum hours per day is 16 hours including gap hours. Take note: unpaid hours will still count toward the 16-hour maximum for the rest period.
9Q. Did the vacation bidding for blocks change in the new TA?
A. No. However, an enhancement was made – If you do not participate in the declaration round, all vacation days will revert to DAT (day at a time) days. Refer to Article 14.
10Q. Will this TA address the Tardy Policy?
A. No, the Attendance Control Policy is not within the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
11Q. What does DOR mean?
A. Date of ratification: the action of signing or giving formal consent to a contract/agreement making it officially valid.
12Q. Why do we strongly suggest voting yes.
A. If ratified, this four-year Agreement will provide industry-leading job protection and pay for our membership. It will also provide better mandatory overtime rules and create a better quality of life for our members.
13Q. Will electronic voting be in place for the ratification vote?
A. The ratification itself will be done electronically. Details are forthcoming and will be shared once completely finalized.
14Q. How do you reach top out rate faster?
A. The amendment to Article 27-Wage Rules, effective March 1, 2016, had an additional (Step 0) which in total was 12 Steps. The current TA starts at (Step 1) and has a total of 11 Steps. The step elimination is one step less than the current contract.
15Q. Why is Mandatory Overtime not paid at triple-time rate? Why doesn’t the raise include a cost of living or inflation for all steps?
A. Please understand your Negotiation Committee made every effort to get the maximum benefit for our members. The enhancements that were made are consistent with the industry standards in Airline Customer Service Agents and Reservations Agents. There were many items we fought to increase, but the rules of mediation allow for a counteroffer and an amicable agreement.
16Q. Can I vote if I am a new hire on probation?
A. All members in good standing are entitled to vote. In addition, if a new hire has filled out their Dues Check-Off Form, this enables the individual to vote.
The sharing of information with you continues to be a priority for your Negotiating Committee and will continue by Bulletins like this. Our goal remains to make sure you have the most up-to-date information concerning negotiations. Don’t forget to add a personal e-mail address to the District Lodge 142 database for future WN or other communications by clicking the red “Join Our Email List!!!” button on the DL 142 website at If you have any questions about this process, please give me a call at (816) 452-6646 or email at
With best wishes, we remain
Sincerely and fraternally,
John M. Coveny, Jr.
April Butler
General Chair
Signature on File
Kenny Champagne
General Chair
Signature on File
Carrie Lessley
General Chair
Signature on File
Oralia Lollie Beecher
General Chair
Signature on File
Teresa Beynon (PC)
Signature on File
Lorraine Fraser (BWI)
Signature on File
Nancy Shortino (CC)
Signature on File